Doremy's dream-mail!

Welcome to Doremy's dream-mail! Ever wanted to tell someone your most craziest dream but got looked at weirdly after that? Well you're in luck! This website serves as a place where you can submit your weird and wacky dreams to the notorious baku themself! No judgement at all!
Your submitions will be read and you can chose to be anonymous or add a first name at the end!
If your dream is wacky enough, it may get featured on this website for a week, as Dream-Of-The-Week!

To submit your dreams, email the email account!


  • No explicit dreams!! keep those to yourself, please!
  • Please don't just make up dreams
  • Please do not send any images in your emails
  • Do not put any links in your email
  • Sign your email with a name or with a wish to stay anonymous
  • Dream-of-the-week:

    I had a dream like in December last year where I'm going to some sort of school event in my old school, i played volleyball there but got bored and wanted to get home. My old friend (or Someone that looks like them) joined me to get home And for some reason I brought a pelican as well??
    While riding a gojek (the Indonesian Uber equivalent) we stopped because the gojek wanted to pay for a friend or something and then "bad guys" appeared. they threatened us and I threatened back with a needle in hand and being edgy, it became awkward when they realized i had a pelican and just walked away. Now there's a pelican in my house while i awkwardly stare at it
    -Random Noctowl


    What will you do with my dream?
    We will read it, and perserve it in our private Dream Database, where after a period of time, we'll find out what's the most common dream amongst internet users alike.

    For what purpose did you make this website?
    We made this website, because we enjoy hearing about dreams! We here believe dreams are a surreal wonder to experience and retell. Our philosophy involves not to find the 'meaning' behind dreams, but to revel in the absurdity of how the human brain manages to conjure up these tales while we sleep.

    I want to submit a dream, but I keep forgetting. What should I do?
    Dream journal! The moment you wake up and still have the dream fresh in your mind, write it down on paper, moble device, notebook, ect.

    One of my friends/relatives had a dream. Can I sumbit that?
    Of course! As long as your friend/relative consents to their dream being submitted, feel free!

    Who's Doremy?
    Doremy Sweet is a character from Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. Its based off the mythological baku, a creature who eats/creates dreams. She is said to be the Ruler of the Dream World, so we thought it would be fitting to put them as our websites mascot.